Half of the job of being a lawyer is dealing with procedure. Knowing the law is one thing but it is a whole different beast knowing how to practice the law. Being a lawyer is a practical job at the end of the day.
I can help you with:
- The Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (lawyers call it the CPR rules);
- Interim applications in proceedings
- Applications before proceedings are brought
The CPR rules are vast and there is significant case law interpreting the correct approach to the rules. It can be overwhelming for somebody who is not used to dealing with them. The CPR rules apply to everyone whether you are legally represented or representing yourself: Barton v Wright Hassall LLP [2018] UKSC 12.
Click on one of the sub-menus to find out more information about common applications.
Areas of procedure (illustrative):
- All County Court and High Court hearings
- Small claim, fast track and multi-track matters
- Part 7 and Part 8 claims
- Disposal hearings
- Applications for default judgment and applications to set aside
- All interim (interlocutory) hearings including for applications
- Security for costs applications
- Relief from sanctions
- Specific disclosure applications
- Strike out and summary judgment applications
- Allocation and directions hearings
- Cost and Case Management Hearings
- Applications for injunctions including ex parte
- Final hearings and multi-day trials
- Costs applications