My Expertise

What areas of law do I practice as a direct access barrister?

  • Disputes about property and land:
    • Who actually owns a property when a couple break up (TOLATA claims). This includes disputes about the matrimonial when a married couple divorce.
    • Disputes about property when its been transferred and someone’s name is not on the paperwork
    • Boundary disputes regarding land
    • Disputes between neighbours
    • Rights of way and easements (such as parking or access)
    • Landlord and tenant (residential and commercial)
    • Service charge disputes
    • Business tenancy renewal disputes
  • Disputes about when someone has died:
    • Regarding a will’s validity (probate claim)
    • Interpreting terms in a will and its meaning
    • Removing executors from office because they are not doing their job
    • Long delays in the administration or dispute about the debts the deceased had
    • If you’ve been excluded from a will or not been provided reasonably from the will or the laws of intestacy (inheritance claims)
    • Transfers made by the deceased in life which are causing concern. This might amount to financial abuse
    • Sums of money going missing from the estate
    • Troublesome beneficiaries causing issues in the administration
  • Business disputes
    • Usually contract disputes such as a business not paying money on a debt or one side of the contract not upholding their side of the agreement
    • Disputes regarding interpretation of contracts and terms
    • Disagreements about whether a contract has formed and if somebody had authority i.e., actual, apparent and ostensible authority
  • Other areas I practice:
    • Matrimonial finance, i.e., what happens to money and assets when a couple separates and goes through the divorce process.
    • Debts and personal loans
    • Assessment of finances for care home fees by local authorities
    • Drafting documents such as deeds of assignment to wind up the administration of a death estate
    • Advising regarding personal guarantees in business contracts
    • Consumer credit disputes
    • Personal insolvency and winding up petitions including statutory demands

Areas of procedure (illustrative):

  • All County Court and High Court hearings
  • Small claim, fast track and multi-track matters
  • Part 7 and Part 8 claims
  • Disposal hearings
  • Applications for default judgment and applications to set aside
  • All interim (interlocutory) hearings including for applications
    • Security for costs applications
    • Relief from sanctions
    • Specific disclosure applications
    • Strike out and summary judgment applications
  • Allocation and directions hearings
  • Cost and Case Management Hearings
  • Applications for injunctions including ex parte
  • Final hearings and multi-day trials
  • Costs applications

Well it might be helpful to list what I don’t do:

  • Criminal proceedings representation
  • Employment disputes
  • Immigration advice
  • Intellectual property advice
  • Proceedings relating to children
  • Professional negligence
  • I’m not a fan of nuisance but it does sometimes go along with trespass particularly in boundary disputes

Unfortunately I can’t offer advice in those areas as they are just not my thing!

“I really enjoyed working with you last week – you are clearly skilled in achieving that necessary balance between legal argument and pragmatism. I hope we’ll have another opportunity before too long.”

— Senior Mediator