November Roundup

At the start of November, Freya (golden retriever puppy) came home. She’s been great and keeping me busy. My previous dog unexpectedly died in June so it is lovely to have a dog in the house again.

I also sat the STEP Administration of Estates exam in early November. With that exam now done, I only have one more until I am hopefully TEP. Anyways, some of the matters I was involved with during this month include:

  • Advised a Defendant in a High Court matter regarding a challenge to a will on the basis of undue influence. I later settled the Defence
  • I represented the Claimant in a disposal hearing in a TOLATA matter. There was an express declaration of trust contained in the TR1 and the Defendant was seeking more than what he was entitled to. Spoiler alert, he did not do well at the hearing. Our Part 36 offer was beaten and the Defendant, who was representing himself, left with a hefty legal bill.
  • Advised a potential Claimant in a TOLATA claim where he provided the deposit for a property and also carried out substantial renovation works. Defendant is claiming that the deposit was essentially a gift.
  • I appeared in a directions hearing regarding the Official Solicitor’s involvement in a TOLATA claim where the Defendant has lost capacity.
  • There was my short lived burial dispute which prompted this blog post.
  • I represented a Claimant in what was supposed to be a 2 day trial regarding whether a £50,000 deposit from a father to son was a gift or a loan. HHJ Clarke managed to efficiently deal with the trial and it only lasted on day.


I am a direct access (public access) authorised barrister. I specialise in disputes about inheritance, wills, properties, probate, money in divorce and between neighbours such rights of way and boundaries. I provide specialist advice and representation in court. You can instruct me without having to go through a solicitor first which can save you money.

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